Get Database Data

The Get database data function allows us to consult information loaded in the cloud database, it allows us to consult a complete collection of records, specific records or a specific field.

Start at : The value that indicates where to start the collections that will be returned must be sent.

End at :The value that indicates where the collections that will be returned will stop must be sent.

Filter : The value by which the collections that will be returned will be filtered must be sent.

Is real time : It must be activated when we want our consultation to be in real time and every time there is a modification in the consulted route, it will be called again with the updated information.

Limit to First : The value that indicates how many collections we want to receive from the first collection must be sent.

Limit to Last : The value that indicates how many collections we want to receive from the last collection must be sent.

Order by : The parameter by which we will evaluate any of the filtering options must be sent ( Start at , End at , Filter )

Path on DB : It allows us to access the database to indicate the route (path) of the information to send to consult.

Time to refresh (seconds) : A numerical value must be sent that will be equivalent to seconds of cache that our function will have after being consulted for the first time.

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