Take screenshots to publish in App Store

1.- Enter the page https://app-mockup.com

2.- Start clicking on START NOW

3.- Click on the iOS option

4.- Select Frame & Layout and click on Frame Type

5.- Select one of the two options either default or darker

6.- Click on Layout Caption Above

7.- Select between Caption Above or Caption Below

8.- You can modify the caption text in the Caption section, typing the text in the box

9.- You can modify the subcaption text in the SubCaption section, typing the text in the box

10.- Click on the Screenshots section and click on the + icons in iPhone Xs Max

11.- Select a screenshot of your app and press Open

12.- Click on Screenshots section and click on the + icons in iPhone 8 Plus

13.- Select a screenshot of your app and press Open

14.- Click on Preview

15.- Click on Download and choose iPhone Xs Max

16.- Click on Preview again

17.- Click on Download and choose iPhone 8 Plus

18.- Open your downloads folder, double click on the .zip file to decompress it

19.- Click on the folder and click on the first screenshot to verify that your download is correct.

Minimum requirements

  • Three screenshots of 5,5”. They must be 1242x2208, showing an iPhone 8 Plus case

  • Three screenshots of 6,5”. they must be 1242x2688, showing an iPhone XS Max case

You cannot cover the interface, the screen, and its functions must be as complete as possible, avoiding that buttons, images, or texts are hidden in the frame of the device.

Last updated