Process by which user gains access to the app.
Last updated
Process by which user gains access to the app.
Last updated
The login is a function in the users functions which allows to the users access to the app by identifying and authenticating themselves. The users typically fill forms with a "username and a matching "password".
Email: select a text field to provide a way for the user to set his email.
Password: select a text field to provide a way for the user to set his password.
Error login: you can set functions after the user can't login for a database or app problem.
Invalid credentials: you can set functions after the user can't login because his email or password aren't correct.
Successful login: you can set functions after the user can verify with the app database.
Select the login button and add on press.
Add a toggle page loading function and activate only enable.
Activate a login function.
Select the element to input the email and password.
Open the callbacks of the login function and add a toggle page loading on the successful login with and activate the only disable.
Add a replace screen and select a screen on the successful login.