Delete Database Data

Function to delete data from database

The Delete database data is a function on the Cloud Database group, this function allows you to delete specific records on the database or the hole collection

📥 Entry vars

  • Database path to delete. Te permite abrir el editor de la base datos para seleccionar la colección o el dato a eliminar

  • Should update db cache. Si en alguna consulta de la base de datos de cloud se agregó caché, a activar está opción tambien actualizará ese caché

If you don't set any specific data index all the data in the collection will be deleted

↗ Callbacks

  • Error deleting data. This callback is called when for some reason it is not possible to delete the data from the database

    • La variable de salida será la razon por la cual no se pudo eliminar los datos

  • Data deleted. This is called once the database record (s) have been deleted successfully.

👉 Examples.

Deleting a full collection

In this example we deleted all the products in the database when the page loads

Deleting a single record

To delete a single record you must have the id of the record you want to delete, in this example we have a product detail and you have the product id as a "Page context data"

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