The container is one of the most important controls because it can help you order your content and create great designs.
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The container is one of the most important controls because it can help you order your content and create great designs.
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Font size: size of the text that appears on the container element.
Background color: select the background color using the color picker.
Background image: this property set one background image for container element.
Width: set how wide the container element is using.
Height: set how tall the container element is using.
Height auto: aligns the dimensions of the containers element content automatically to the container element.
Direction: specifies the directional flow of the elements inside the container element.
Scroll: activate a vertical or horizontal bar commonly located on the far right or bottom of a screen that allows you to move the screen viewing area up, down, left, or right.
Control z-index: controls which components display on top of others.Think of the z-direction like it's pointing from the phone into your eyeball. Property sets the z-order of a positioned element and its descendants or flex items. Overlapping elements with a larger z-index cover those with a smaller one. ****
Padding: you can specify how much space you want between the border and contents of the container element.
Margin: you can specify how much space you want between the edges of the container element with the screen or another elements.
Presets: Add a shadow around the container
To set a shadows in a container you need to activate background color or background image.
Border width: enter how wide you want the border outline of the container element to be.
Border radius: enter how round you want the edges of the border for the container element to be.
Border color: pick a color for the border of the container element.
Border style: select if you want the border of the container element to be a dotted, dashed or solid line.
Generic properties
Control name: you can add a name to the container element this could be the way to identify this element about another elements.
Enable skeleton loaders: this tool provides an indication to the user that something is coming but not yet available on the container element.
Control is hidden: hide the container element from the screen.
Specific Properties
Split percentage: Numerical division format example: 25,25,25,25 for a 4 divisions container.
Lock container: any object inside of the container element cannot be modified and cannot add more elements to the container.
On press: the on press event provide the capability to capture tapping gestures and display feedback when this gesture is recognized.
On reach end: called when all rows have been rendered and the list has been scrolled until the end of the element content.
On refresh: called when the user has dragged the refresh indicator far enough to demonstrate that they want the app to refresh.
Background image
Style height value
Is hidden
Style align item
Style background
Style border color