Picker is a component which is used to select an item from the multiple choices. Picker is used when we need to provide an alternative to choose from multiple options.
🎨 Styles
Background color: select the background color using the color picker.
Text color: select text color in the picker element using the color picker.
Width: set how wide the picker element is using.
Height: set how tall the picker element is using.
Padding: you can specify how much space you want between the border and contents of the picker element.
Margin: you can specify how much space you want between the edges of the picker element with the screen or another elements.
Border width: enter how wide you want the border outline of the picker element to be.
Border radius: enter how round you want the edges of the border for the picker element to be.
Border color: pick a color for the border of the picker element.
Border style: select if you want the border of the picker element to be a dotted, dashed or solid line.
⚙ Properties
Generic properties
Control name: you can add a name to the picker element this could be the way to identify this element about another elements.
Enable skeleton loaders: this tool provides an indication to the user that something is coming but not yet available on the picker element.
Control is hidden: hide the picker element from the screen.
The skeleton loader component provides a user with a visual indicator that content is coming/loading. This is better received than traditional full-screen loaders.
Specific Properties
Control placeholder: text that will be displayed before picker input has been entered.
Arrow enabled: add a down direction arrow at the right of the picker element.
Option value: add the options to choice as a dropdown.
Default value: when the picker is shown it offers the first value to select.
👆 Events
On charge: the on charge ****event detects when the value of a picker element changes.
📝 Writable Properties
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